Volume 13, Issue 5, 2018

1. Globalisation and Its Discontents

- K C Chan

Globalisation, both in production and in the market, has forced a rethink about all aspects of business - jobs, wealth, knowledge, politics and the economy. People and nations have become interdependent and have to adopt an integrated approach, to improve markets, employment, productivity, cooperation and humanity. There is a genuine belief that there is a waterfall effect, where advances in the developed countries have a positive impact on developing countries, but there needs to be more effort to ensure that the arrangements and structure promote win-win-win for the host country, the investor from the home country, and the rest of the world. This makes it possible for the world to become a better place.


2. Learning Organisation Impact on Achieving Competitive Advantage
An Empirical Study in the Public Sector in Jordan

- Mohammed Issa Ala eddin

To achieve and maintain competitive advantage a company has to perform consistently better than its rivals. As the criteria for being ‘better’ keep changing, there must be constant learning, at individual, team, and organisational levels. This paper looks at learning culture and processes, leadership and systems-thinking in relation to competitive advantage, in Jordan. Systems thinking takes learning to new levels as it looks at interrelationships within the system, so that the bigger picture becomes more visible. Problems are seen in their context rather than as events separate from the whole, and useful learning is more likely to arise and embed itself in the organisation, which makes it a learning organisation.


3.Creative Problem-Solving

- Mike Bagshaw

This is a reflective piece by Mike Bagshaw, who has recently retired after a long career in enhancing work and relationships in innumerable situations. Different though those situations have been, even at the best of times, there are inevitably problems, and a need to solve them, preferably not in ways that have been tried before and have not brought a lasting solution. It may be tempting at times of difficulty to avoid deep thought and knee-jerk to the old ways, but there are many other ways, and a creative approach will help to find them. This paper suggests ways to be creative, and how to encourage creativity in the organisation. Important ingredients are emotional intelligence to understand the self and others, and strong collaboration.


4. What is your conflict style?

- An IJPM publication

The word 'conflict' has an overtone of hostility, but it does not necessarily follow that the two go together. If nobody had different ideas from anybody else, there would be permanent stasis. It might be better to talk about 'contrast' of views, to indicate that there are many aspects to any situation, and it is good to explore these to get quality decisions. This questionnaire is based on Kilman’s five conflict styles – competing, collaborating, compromising, accommodating, and avoiding. None of these applies to every situation, and all are right in some situations. The questionnaire can help you to think about your own conflict styles and whether this is the most helpful way to approach conflict. It is not a diagnostic tool, but a starting point for discussion.