The International Journal of Professional Management - ISSN 20422341
Engaging the Virtual Realm: Exploring User Acceptance in the Metaverse
Volume 19, Issue 4, OCTOBER 2024
Stephy Shim
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In a seamless network of virtual realities, a hyper-connected digital universe known as the ‘metaverse’ holds the potential to fundamentally alter how customers, brands, and businesses interact and transact. Berrera & Shah (2023) highlighted two trends that are accelerating the potential of the metaverse:
The current scope of the metaverse and its implications for research, however, are not well understood due to the metaverse's rapid evolution.
Metaverse, Immersive Technologies, User Acceptance, User Adoption, Decisions, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), Elaboration Likelihood Theory (ELT)
A new technological product or service appears in life almost every day. Evolving technologies have the potential to improve people's lives but they also necessitate processes of adaptation before they can be used. Allen (2019) has reported that there were gaps in immersive technology and much debate about how much people understood the metaverse. Anderson (2022) found that only 16% of people understood. Lacey & Jackson (2022) found only 16% could define the metaverse term. Meanwhile Sebastian (2022) found that over 75% of respondents indicated a willingness to invest in the metaverse ecosystem. The metaverse market emerged in 2021, although the term ‘metaverse’ has been in circulation for decades (GrandViewResearch, 2021; Lawton, 2022) Commercial and consumer interest only increased when tech giants around the world began investing and developing it (Schwirn, 2022) /p>
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