Making Sense of Management, A Critical Introduction (2nd Ed)

Alvesson, M and Willmott, H (2012)

Reviewer: Michael G Dilcock

This first volume (Skills and Principles) of a three part series is intended to provide a comprehensive course structure and supporting materials for management trainers. The book seeks to deliver basic management skills in contributory part of a wider project management syllabus. The book by design is both professionally and practically presented. The A4 four-hole folder provides a sufficiency of space for notes to be made in the page margins and additional loose sheets. The text is printed in a relatively large font aiding readability of both the trainer and trainee. In addition the loose-leaf binding provides repeated copying which adds significant physical life to the book on the whole.

On the basis that ‘Volume One’ consists of thirty-nine modular action-centred learning activities, separated into five specific themes and based on the ‘timings’ applicable, it is apparent the intention is presentation of an introductory training course of one-week’s duration. The book in format is presented in five clearly definable parts where every part carries with it a separate introduction subsequently divided into several activities attributable to the ‘daily themes’, those parts being:

Part 1: Introducing critical theory to management
Management in critical perspective
Critical thinking
Forms of knowledge and the limits of critique

Part 2: Management specialisms in a critical perspective
Critical Conceptualisations of management
Critically Assessing management specialisms I
Organisation theory, HRM and leadership
Critically assessing management specialisms II
Marketing and strategic management
Critically assessing management specialisms III
Accounting, information systems and operational research

Part 3: Recasting critical theory and management Recasting emancipation in management and organisation studies
Critical theory and management practice

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