Volume 17, Issue 2, 2022

1. Plans and Planning

-Alan Sensicle

Planning is a necessary precursor to taking action. An ad hoc approach will bring a succession of surprises that will need rectifying. A good plan will take you step by step to the desired result, which, paradoxically, is the starting point. You need to think about what it is you want to achieve. If the end result isn't clearly defined, you may be working hard in the wrong direction. You may achieve results, but not necessarily the right results. Sometimes the plan is a rehash of previous years’ activities, which gives a chance to review results, but it doesn’t always lead to considered change and learning from the past. Sometimes it goes the other way and planning and discussion, revision, more discussion, more revision, going on for months. This paper gives a plan document with necessary phases in order, which may be used to keep any kind of planning on track.


2. Strategic Marketing and Customer Experience in the Digital Era

- Fernando Kevin Vince

The idea behind market research is find out what people want, provide that, and thereby make a living. There are records of this from around 1380, when one Johann Fugger travelled from Bavaria to Vienna to research the textile industry. Time advanced, and the advent of printing made mass surveys easier. Street surveys started in America around 1820. Later technology brought the phone survey, and in 1995 the first online survey appeared. The pace of change has accelerated, and this paper discusses how this has developed in the digital era. Research is now two-way. It is easier to discover what customers think from what they say online, and easier for customers to research the company and assess their qualities. With this ease of access comes loss of privacy and more avenues for corruption and abuse. Progress has both positive and negative effects.


3. The Potential for using Web 3.0 E-Learning within the NHS; An Evaluation

-Lucinda Christian-Lim

One of the many side-effects of the pandemic is a rapid increase in mental health issues as people grapple to cope with the new situation. This brings a corresponding need for rapid training for professionals, whether newly trained or experienced. Even without the pandemic, medical knowledge has steadily advanced, and it has been essential for medical staff to keep up-to-date with their training throughout their careers. Covid has turned routine retraining into an emergency. Technology presents online training as a way of training large numbers quickly, with virtual patients, artificial intelligence and social media. This is cheaper than gathering people together in classrooms in many locations, and mistakes can be made with virtual patients without disaster. However, it does require a substantial initial outlay, and being new, it is not known how successful it will be. There are sceptics and enthusiasts about it, and more research needs to be done.


4. Training Transfer of Leadership Training

- Klara Elhert

Training is clearly important in gaining the skills to do a job, not just correctly, but effectively (getting the right results) and efficiently (within a suitable period of time). Sometimes it is optimistically assumed that this can be achieved by providing sessions where the trainee is shown what’s required and how to do it. Alas, human learning is not so simple. Skills acquired on a course may not transfer easily to the real world where the situation is more complex. The newly-trained employee may find it frustrating that the new skills don’t always apply. Good training programmes start before the actual sessions, with emphasis on the benefits for the individual and the organisation. The training itself should be enjoyable to keep up motivation, as well as having clear value for the job itself. What happens afterwards when the trainee is back at work is also important. There should be opportunities to practise the new learning, with feedback and encouragement. Motivation is the key factor, before, during and after, to ensure the learning acquired is transferred to the trainee’s role in the workplace


5. Impact of Covid 19 to Business Management and Intuitive Management:A Literature Review

- Tan Soo Ling

According to Cassell’s Latin Dictionary, he word 'intuitive' comes from Latin 'intueor, to look at attentively, gaze at, consider, contemplate’ It covers areas where there may not be a great deal of scientific back-up, but knowledge and experience, along with sound judgement, can work well. It applies especially when solid information is hard to find, which certainly applies in the world today. Even before covid, the Niagara of change meant expertise was often transitory, and covid has spun things around even more. It may seem safe to stick to the known and definite, but in times of turmoil very little is known or definite. The world was in an era of rapid change before covid struck; even more so now, firm information is a rare luxury. Therefore, intuition is a useful tool form part of the decision-making process.



6. Total Quality Management (TQM) in Improving Container Port Performance and Reducing Delays: A Literature Review

- Dinesh Nair

Containers offer a route to higher efficiency. Goods can be packed to make the best use of space and then transported as a unit, saving time in unpacking and repacking. The containers can travel by sea, rail or road, or any combination, with minimum time needed to transfer from one to another. However, this assumes that the places of transfer are equipped to deal with containers, which are large and heavy, and sometimes need to be kept at a constant temperature. There also have to be staff with the necessary skills. Where facilities are inadequate or staff are not trained, there are delays. As with any type of business, the different facets have to be managed. This paper is a literature review of total quality management in relation to container transport.