IJPM Editorial

Volume 18, Issue 4, 2023

1. Critical Factors That Influence Plastic Waste Sustainability and Recycling Behaviour of the Malaysian Household

- Mohd Zurairi Bin Mustafa

Plastic at one time seemed like a perfect substance, versatile, convenient, cheap, lightweight and durable. It took a long time for the world to realise that it's too durable and we have far too much. Most of it (79%) is in landfill, 12% is burned, and only 9% recycled. Recycling is not always a simple process and is not a simple solution. The waste levels remain colossal, partly because of attitudes or lack of awareness of the negative effects of high c onvenience overriding environmental concerns. This paper looks at ways of improving sustainability by increasing awareness and encouraging people Reduce their use of plastic, to Reuse the plastic they feel they actually need, and to Recycle when they have n o further need of a plastic item. This can be done through education, such as publicity schemes to increase awareness of the leve l of waste, and of the potential value of 'piles of rubbish'. Another approach is to punish those who flout rules, but long-term, aw areness raising is likely to be more effective.


2. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Impact on the Private Investment P olicies: A Qualitative Multi-Case Study of Malaysia's Private Equity and Venture Capital Industry

- Daniel KS Chang

In 2005, one hundred corporate business people committed to upholding Environmental, Social and Governance principles and the ESG acronym was born. Despite unwillingness from some entrepreneurs, this has grown, with acceptance that unrestrained use of resources will inevitably lead to serious depletion of resources, which is bad for everyone. So ethical behaviour could ultimately be classified as nurturing self-interest. ESG encapsulates an overall approach. Environmental means caring for the environment, reducing carbon output and finding ways to reduce, and ideally eliminate waste. Social covers inclusivity, welcoming diversity for the multiplication of ideas, and thinking of the good of society at large. Governance means complying with regulations, wiping out corruption, and making due consideration for stakeholders, not just those within the organisation, but also everyone who is affected by that business.


3. The Relationship Between People, Process, Technology and The Adoption of Industry 4.0: A Multiple Case Study of Malaysia SME Manufacturers

- Peng Chye Loh

This age of mad rush of technology amounts to repeated industrial revolutions. We are now in the fourth, known sometimes as Industry 4.0. Technological advances will continue, so companies have to update constantly to keep up, not just in technological matters, but in training, the way work is organised, supply chain management and all processes. Smart factories are emerging, where information systems are linked to physical equipment, monitor progress, and even make decisions. Three factors need to be coordinated - people, process and technology. People need high-level skills and willingness to relearn as necessary, along with soft skills such as communication. Processes must evolve, seeking out ways to save time and money without deterioration of service or goods. Technology needs to be used to best advantage. The human factor in this is both awareness and acceptance. The other side of this coin is technological development taking account of human factors. It is a triangular formation, people, process and technology need to fit well, all together.

4. Sparking Positive Behaviour Experience Towards Smart City Adoption: A Literature Review

- Prashanth Kumar

The UN has predicted that 68% of the population will live in cities by 2050. Will these be smart cities - i.e. will technology collect data in a way that improves lives of the inhabitants? Technology keeps leaping forward, but to work it needs to take on psychological factors, to spark positive attitudes towards new ways of living. This paper looks at the theory of planned behaviour in relation to this. The theory predates the internet, but its principles can still be applied in a much-changed world. In sum, it says that people develop attitudes as a result of their own beliefs, and how they perceive the beliefs of others. This assumes high awareness and reluctance to make sudden behaviour changes, but sticking to basic principles can be an advantage, making theories applicable to more situations. With smart cities, other factors that need to be taken into account are economic, environmental and social. Smart cities aim to integrate all these, as well as the psychological.

5. Supply Chain Resilience During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Literature Review

-Peng-Jin Ong

The covid pandemic had repercussions far and wide. This paper focuses mainly on one area - PPE gloves - which are part of protection against infection. Supply chain failures led to severe shortages at a vital time. This should be a warning about the importance of supply c hain resilience for any product, especially those that are needed in huge quantities at times of crisis. Crisis inevitably brings difficulties and disrup ts normal functioning, so there need to be policies in place that can be implemented under abnormal conditions. The first need is the ability to recognise that there is a problem at the earliest possible stage. There then needs to be a strategy for recovery, one feature of which will be restructuring the supply chain mechanisms to suit new conditions. As the conditions will not be known in advance, general willingness to adapt is essential - adaptability. The organisation needs to accept new information as it arises - absorbability. Adaptability and absorbability are precursors to innovation, which can guide us through drastic and sudden change, such as the pandemic.

6. Talent Management and Culture in Multicultural Organisations in the UAE: A Literature Review

-Khuram Amin

Talent has long been thought of as something innate, possessed by the few, and not attainable for many. This view has been challenged, replaced by the view that high-potential is quite common. To gain the most from this, it is necessary first to identify who has particular talents, then facilitate the development of that talent, then to retain that employee. These people are sometimes known as T-shaped individuals, who have a breadth of knowledge and skills, as well as high expertise in a particular area. A diverse workforce also leads to gains as it brings in different perspectives on the same situations. Nurturing talent, encouraging debate and giving opportunities for self-development can all help bring talent to the fore to the benefit of the organisation. This paper discusses talent management specifically in the United Arab Emirates, with their strong traditions, with teamwork and collaboration, working towards common goals, including excellent customer service