The International Journal of Professional Management - ISSN 20422341
Impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Customer Service Within the Malaysian Logistics Sector
Volume 19, Issue 3, JULY 2024
Yuwarani Manickam,
EDip. (UTM), EMBA (OUM), DBA Candidate (IPE Management School, Pole Paris Alternance)
Ern Chen Loo,
PhD (Taxation) (USyd, Australia), MA (AFM) (Essex, UK), B. Acct (Hons) (UUM), FCTIM, FCIS, Doctoral Supervisor, IPE Management School, Pole Paris Alternance
intelligence, Automation, Generative AI, Industry 4.0, Big data technologies, Customer service, Customer experience
1.0 Introduction
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the imitation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn in the same way as humans (Russell & Norvig, 1995). It refers to a wide range of technologies and techniques that allow computers and machines to perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence. These tasks include problem solving, natural language learning, pattern recognition, learning from experience, and decision-making.
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