Volume 12, Issue 4, July 2017

Altruism or Self-Interest: The Use of Storytelling by Leaders to Achieve organisational Aims and Objectives - An Exploratory Study of 20 Leaders in the Private and Third Sectors

- Sarah Mitton

Storytelling is part of life. We describe what has happened, partly to clarify to ourselves, partly to explain to others, and sometimes to persuade others about our viewpoint, or to motivate a particular action. This can apply to corporate life as well as home life, yet stories are rarely seen as a means to achieving the goals of an organisation. This paper makes a study 20 leaders, from the private and third sectors, to explore whether they typically use stories at work, and if they do, whether it is for altruistic reasons or for self-interest. It was found that the natural human behaviour of storytelling did cross into corporate life, in some cases without realising it, and their motivation was partly altruistic and self-interest. More might be gained if storytelling became more purposeful, and part of the toolkit of managers and leaders. Especially in times of great change, stories can help not just to inform, but also to sustain professional relationships, explore alternative options, motivate and inspire.


Strategy and Strategic Leadership in Turbulence and Complexity

- Fernando Kevin Vince

Technology continues to change, and strategies that have been good need to be reviewed. It is still necessary to meet the challenges, but the challenges are not the same. It is necessary to keep looking at the current situation, and ask whether current strategy still suits. Companies considered to big to fail have been failing, and no company should think that success of the past protects against failure in the future. Formulating strategy needs to incorporate the certainty of change. Instead of relying on past experience and learning to steer a preordained course, the rule should be to learn and navigate, and adapt. Organisational structure needs to support this, with all stakeholders involved, and steady review of processes and systems. Keeping ahead of the competition needs continuous effort, looking for uniqueness. Success will bring imitators, who are likely to make improvements as they too want to stay ahead of the competition. Strategy has to keep up with the steady spiral of innovation, or perish.


Does Corporate Social Responsibility Increase Profits of Companies in Malaysian Business Software Industry? A Critical Review

- Ben Delos Chie

Corporate responsibility has various levels. At the foundation, if it is a commercial enterprise, making a profit is essential. Above that, activities have to be within the law, and higher still, there is an ethical duty at the very least to avoid harm, and to treat people well. Beyond that come philanthropic efforts to improve quality of life in some way, either directly in the way the business is pursued, or indirectly by providing resources. This could be in the local community or further afield, even global. Increasingly, corporate social responsibility is being seen as a corporate obligation rather than an optional frill. There are still lamentable lapses, but when it happens there is increasing disapproval, which can spread quickly via social media. The impact on reputation can cut into profit, and push companies down as regards competitiveness. On the other hand, showing support for social projects is a way of enhancing reputation and attracting customers. This paper looks at these issues specifically in the Malaysian software industry.


A Conceptual Paper on the Value of Objective Structured Clinical Examinations for Nursing Education

- Hongli Sam GOH, Boon Tai CHEN, William CHUA, & Hongli Sam GOHn

Training, developing, and assessing competence is a continuous issue, and the transition from theory to practice is part of this. Learning starts with acquiring knowledge, moves to using that knowledge in practice, progresses to applying knowledge and experience to different situations, and reaches a level where the person can steadily perform day-to-day. The theoretical framework of this paper follows this pattern in assessment. It begins with measurement of knowledge via questions, then tests application of knowledge through discussion, case studies, and essays, The next stage is to observes capabilities when carrying out tasks, and finally, when training is close to complete, measures how well they perform independently. This paper examines this in relation to nursing education in the Asian context. Training and assessment is particularly important in medical practice where mistakes prolong discomfort at best and are at worst are catastrophic.


Politics in the Workplace: It's Not What You Know, But Who You Know - the Culture Preference

- Jet Mboga

Workplace politics is not only unpleasant, it has a delirious effect on relationships, and poor relationships make for poor results, along with low morale and high staff turnover. Anxiety and resentment prevent a focus on the job in hand, and increase absenteeism. But it is widespread. Jet Mboga has conducted a literature review, followed by a questionnaire to 205 participants, to discover views on this. The results confirmed that there is frequently a dominant group, or clique, which gains more favour through indulging in workplace politics. At the same time, those not in the clique feel unfairly blocked from opportunities. The best defence is felt to be to ignore it, as it seems insurmountable. The study concentrated on organisations where politics is rife, and had the goal of bring this to the surface in order to help employees to recognise what is happening, and to recognise the damage that it does.